Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Creation story of the Ojibwe People

Creation of Turtle Island

Native Legends and Myths

The Ojibwa Indians, and some other First Nations people, refer to the world as Turtle Island. Different people have different ways of telling the story of how Turtle Island was created...sort of how the Protestants and the Catholics put a spin on their versions of Bible stories. But this is what I was told about how the world came to be...

If you've read The Creation Story you'll already know that the universe was created by Kitch-Manitou's abiity to envision all that was posible and then bring it into being.

I don't know where Kitchi-Manitou went after he created the universe and everything in it. I don't know how long he stayed away. But I was told that he eventually dropped by this world to check up on things, so to speak.

On his return, the Mother Earth, Muzzu-Kummik-Quae seemed to be well. The animals that wandered the land, that swam in the seas and flew in the air held each other in balance as did the the trees, the grasses and the thorns.

But as Manitou looked about him he had another vision...he realized that there was one more thing that he could create. He could put on the world a special creature who, like himself, could dream.

Because this new being would be one who could have visions like his creator, rather than simply declaring this new being into existence, Manitou had to pass on his spiritual essence in a direct manner.

A spirit is simply a possibility

Because I've been speaking of Kitchi Manitou as if he was a person, you may have forgotten that what he is personifying is possibility...the possibility of everything in the universe that we know and everything that we don't know. But there are lesser possibilities. For example, there is the possibility that there is such a thing as winter. For the Ojibwa, winter is personified by Keewatin, spirit of the north. And then of course there is the possibility that the male being is not sufficient unto himself. Why else the need for femininity?

It was this feminine potential, personified as the spirit Geezhigo-Quae, to whom Kitchi Manitou ascended. I say ascended because Geezhigo-Quae (Sky Woman) lived on the Moon.

Now young ladies...listen up.

Here is what happened.

Even Manitou needed a woman's help

Kitchi Manitou, the greatest of spirits, the most powerful being in the universe had to ask a woman for help.

He asked if she would bear his essence. He asked if she would join with him in creating an image of himself in the world. He asked if she would love and nurture his children.

Sky Woman agreed.

They joined together and Sky Woman became pregnant with the children of Kitchi Manitou.

And then the blighter disappeared. He went off and did whatever men and Manitou's do after they get their women pregnant!

So Sky Woman went down to Mother Earth to make preparations for the birth herself. She bent trees for a lodge. Tanned hides to cover it. Dried meat for the winter.

Many animals passed by to ask what she was up to. She explained that she was carrying Manitou's children and was preparing a home for them.

The word spread across the world. Most creatures were happy and excited that Manitou had given them the gift of his children.

But not the Water Manitous. They were mad!

Jealousy raises it's ugly head

You see every life form that lived on Mother Earth needed their water. They knew that if the children of Kitchi Manitou walked the Earth that their powers would be diminished.

Actually, the Water Manitous weren't just mad. They were enraged!

In retaliation they used their powers to cause a great flood that spread across the entire world.

As the waters rose and destroyed her encampment Sky Woman retreated to the Moon. She looked down in dismay. With water covering the land, her man gone who knows where, and the pregnant woman left to handle the chaos by herself you get the idea that this is a TRUE story!

But Geezhigo-Quae had resources. She knew that she could influence her own destiny. She could have a say in how things turned out. She made a plan.

Although the world was inundated with water below her, Sky Woman could see a few animals that were not under the total control of the Water Spirits. That was because although they breathed air, they knew how to swim! The first creature she called to her aid was the giant turtle. He came to the surface so that she could sit on his back and call others to her side. The loon, the beaver, the little muskrat were among her assistants.

The female spirit prevails

What she said was this. "I don't have all the powers of creation that Kitchi Manitou has. But I am a woman. I have the power to re-create. It is my gift. I can re-create Manitou's world, but I cannot act alone. I need your help. I need you to dive deep. I need you to bring me a handful of the original soil made by Manitou. The soil will be the seed I use to re-create the Earth."

All day long the animals took turns trying to reach the soil covered by the great depth of water but without success.

At the end of the day it was only the little muskrat who had not given it a try. That was because muskrats don't really dive deep. You'll always find them in the sloughs, or at the edge of rivers and lakes. You'll never see them swimming in the deepest water.

But if you look at your own life, you'll see that there are times when you just have to give up your old story about what you can or cannot do. Sometimes in your life you have to burst from the confines of your story and grow into a more capable person.

That day, long ago, the muskrat decided that with no one else available to help it was up to him to do the job. He took many deep breaths and dived down and down.

Sky Woman and her friends waited and waited...but t he muskrat didn't return.

The sun dipped below the horizon. The moon cast a sad blue glow across the water. It was a long night.

The dawn of a new day

As the sky grew light Geezhigo-Quae strained to catch sight of the muskrat. Suddenly she gasped and pointed through the waves. There in the distance was a small black thing floating on the water. The turtle swam towards it and Sky Woman realized it was the muskrat...but he was dead.

Lovingly she pulled him from the water and found clutched in his paw the soil from Manitou's world. To thank the muskrat she bent over and breathed life back into him. That's why we still have muskrats today.

Then she took the soil and breathed into it the characteristics that would allow it to provide nourishment, shelter, teachings and incentive to the beings that would live upon it. That soil she rubbed on the turtle's back. She rubbed the soil round and round. As she did so the Muzzu-kummick-quae again took shape above the water. Geezhigo-Quae continued to move over the new soil. She walked in wider and wider arcs. And the Earth was re-created. Forever after it was known as Turtle Island.

Sky Woman gave birth. Eventually Kitchi Manitou returned and was grateful to Geezhigo-Quae for her strength and her compassion. He gave her a knew name. Thereafter she was known as Nokomis - the Great Mother, creator of the Anishinaubaek, the Good Beings.

The children of Kitchi Manitou and Nokomis had children...and the children had children. As time went on and people spread across the land they sometimes were known as Ojibwa sometimes Chippewa, or Ottawa, Pottawatomi and Mississauga. Eventually they were known as Canadians.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Native American Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Native American Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~


You say he isn't full-blood
though his Ancestors he's traced
you say he can't belong here
and it's written in your face

How is that you've forgotten
Mitakuye Oyasin
that belonging to the Grandfathers
is not written in your skin

If we are to live together
and build a future bright
we must stop and once consider
what makes us wrong and right

Great Spirit isn't counting
the color of your skin
He knows you most for certain
by what there is within

If the Grandfathers could see us
while be bicker and we fight
their tears would fill the rivers
in just one single night

My Grandmother had taught me
when I was very small
if you can't love your Brother
you're not Indian at all. (author unknown.)

The Spiritual Warrior

Life offers us the opportunity to become a Spiritual Warrior. A warrior is one who bravely goes into those dark areas within themselves to ferret out the Truth of their being.
It takes great courage, stamina and endurance to become a Spiritual Warrior.
The path is narrow, the terrain rough and rocky. You will walk alone: through the dark caves, up those steep climbs and through the dense thick forest. You will meet your dark side. The faces of fear, deceit, and sadness all await your arrival.
No one can take this journey but you. There comes a time, in each of our lives, when we are given the choice to follow this path.
Should we decide to embark on this journey, we can never turn back.... Our lives are changed forever.
On this journey, there are many different places we can choose to slip into and hide. But the path goes on.
The Spiritual Warrior stays the course, wounded at times, exhausted and out of energy. Many times, the Warrior will struggle back to their feet to take only a few steps before falling again.
Rested, they forge on, continuing the treacherous path. The journey continues. The Spiritual Warrior stays the course. Weakened, but never broken.
One day, the battle, loneliness and desperate fights are over. The sun breaks through the clouds; the birds begin to sing their sweet melodies. There is a change in the energy. A deep change within the self.
The warrior has fought the courageous fight. The battle of the dark night of the soul is won. New energy now fills the Warrior. A new path is now laid before them. A gentler path filled with the inner-knowing of one who has personal empowerment.
With their personal battle won, they are filled with joy. A new awareness that they are one with the Spirit beams as they go forth to show others the way.
They are not permitted to walk the path for others. They can only love, guide and be a living example of the Truth of their being.

A good Prayer

Oh Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
Hear me, I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in Beauty and forever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my ears sharp to hear your voice,
And my hands to respect the things which you have made.
Let me see the lessons which you have hidden in each leaf and rock.
Make me wise that I may understand the things which you have taught my people.
I seek wisdom, not to be greater than my brother,
But to overcome my greatest enemy, myself.
Let me walk a straight path with clean hands,
So that when life fades, like the fading sunset,
My spirit may return to you without shame.

zSHARE - Angus Jourdain _ Warriors Live _Radio Edit_.mp3

zSHARE - Angus Jourdain _ Warriors Live _Radio Edit_.mp3

Shared via AddThis

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Eagle

Do you sometimes get the feeling that you could be more 
than what you are right now? That somehow, you know you 
were made for bigger and better things? Well, chances are, 
you're probably right... and don't you let anyone convince 
you otherwise. 
A man once found an eagle's egg and put it in a nest of a 
barnyard hen. The eagle hatched with the brood of chicks 
and grew up with them. All his life, the eagle did what the 
barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. He 
scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and 
cackled. And he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet 
in the air. Years passed and the eagle grew very old. 
One day he saw a magnificent bird above him in the 
cloudless sky. It glided in graceful majesty on powerful 
wind currents with scarcely a beat of its strong golden 
wings. The old eagle looked up in awe. "Who's that?" he 
asked. "That's the eagle, the king of the birds," said his 
neighbor. "He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth - 
we're chickens." So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for 
that's what he thought he was. 
What a terrible waste... to have lived a life not doing 
the things you were always capable of doing and not soaring 
to the heights you were able to reach. And all because the 
people around you were constantly putting you down and 
feeding you with negative, uninspiring comments. So rise 
above these comments! Life is what you make it. Don't be 
afraid to spread your wings and fly. Aspire!